Creating your own content creation routine
How is your content creation routine going? Are you feeling overwhelmed or are you kicking ass? There’s no wrong answer here!
How is your content creation routine going? Are you feeling overwhelmed or are you kicking ass? There’s no wrong answer here!
Melanie Knights is an incredibly inspirational figure to me. I discovered her years ago during my time in a Pinterest membership and followed her journey on Instagram.
Ladles of Love is an organisation that strives to provide wholesome food to vulnerable people and support communities all through the lens of love, dignity and respect.
A(nother) New Year is on the horizon!
On the plus side, that means we’re still going—whether by tenacity or out of spite. On the anxiety-provoking side…a whole year awaits us with unknown possibilities.
Seth Godin’s book What To Do When It’s Your Turn poses a lot of interesting questions to stir up the ‘ol existential crisis. Particularly if you suffer from procrastination-adjacent perfectionism.
Sweet Lionheart is back at it again with their spooktacular selection of Halloween treats.
How about a spoopy ceramics workshop for Halloween?
I first discovered Calico Ceramics on the ‘gram and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the delicately cute designs. Particularly the Cacti Trio Ring Bowl, which I snatched up as soon as possible.
With the arrival of Spring it’s time for some (content) spring cleaning.
Here’s a summary content checklist to keep on hand to help you get to spring cleaning your content!
As an avid reader as a child, my young mind was blown at the discovery of video games.
I can’t even imagine the number of hours I spent playing Oblivion. The stories, the world, the characters, the awkward animation, it was all so magical.
Copywriting is an art form. Do you know the secret formula?
The AIDA principle takes us back to basics when it comes to copywriting, but if you can visualise it in your writing, you’re good to go.