Ladles of Love is an organisation that strives to provide wholesome food to vulnerable people and support communities all through the lens of love, dignity and respect.

Ladles of Love’s success and dedication to their mission resulted in the creation of two additional programmes: Feed the Soil and Realise a Dream. These programmes aim to uplift and empower communities with a long-term vision in mind.

“By working together, we can do more, reach further, and uplift communities to support themselves.” — Ladles of Love

An opportunity for change in South Africa

As of May 2023, 17% of South Africans lack food security and 7,800,000 South Africans experience hunger.

There are many ways to support this admirable initiative including monthly monetary donations, events that encourage Love Activism (like their annual Sarmiethon), volunteering your time or expertise, donating goods and groceries, and more.

If you’re able to, R250 per month feeds a small child two healthy meals a day.

Grocery shopping for a cause

Ladles of Love has a comprehensive list of donations that help them the most.

Although prices fluctuate, I’ve tried to make shopping around accessible by offering links to each product category from a few major South African retailers to use as a guide or starting point.

Grocery ItemCheckersPick n PayShopriteWoolworths
Canned food (cans of fish, bully beef, vegetables, baked beans, jam & soup)Canned FoodCanned Food & PacketsCanned FoodCans, Jars & Packaged Foods
Flour, baking powder, yeastFlour
Baking Powder & Raising Agents
Flour & Baking PowderFlour
Baking Powder & Raising Agents
Baking Ingredients
Samp, maize meal, dry pasta, rice, porridgeRice, Pasta, Noodles & Couscous
Porridge, Maize Meal & Pap
Rice, Pasta & MaizeRice, Pasta, Noodles & Couscous
Porridge, Maize Meal & Pap
Maize Meal
Pasta, Rice & Noodles
Porridge & Oats
Sugar, salt Sugar & sweeteners
Sugar & sweeteners
Sugar & sweeteners
Sugar & Sweeteners
Long-life milk, coffee, tea bags Long Life UHT Milk
Long Life Milk
Coffee, Tea & Hot Drinks
Long Life UHT Milk
Long Life Milk
Packets of legumes, lentils, pulses, split peas, packets of soup mixDried Lentils, Beans, Grains & PulsesBeans & LegumesDried Lentils, Beans, Grains & PulsesGrains, Legumes, Seeds & Powders
Cooking oilCooking OilsSunflower & Canola OilCooking OilsOils

*Please note I’ve only included websites that list their catalogue and prices online.

Affordable donation ideas near you

As food prices are unpredictable, there is a tried and true way to combine your time and food donations: Making sandwiches.

Many schools and organisations participate, but even you on your own or a couple of friends and neighbours can make sandwiches weekly and take them to a drop off area near you.

All you’ll need is a loaf (or two) of bread, peanut butter and/or jam, and a little bit of time.

Other ways to help

You can take a closer look at other ways to volunteer and donate to Ladles of Love, or keep in touch by signing up to their weekly newsletter for updates on upcoming events and campaigns.

Let’s help spread Love Activism ♥️